Sunday, May 4, 2008




Sri Manja 里就少了一个喝茶的兄弟~

Sri Manja 里就少了一辆摩托在飞来飞去~

Sri Manja 里就少了一个烟鬼~

Sri Manja 里就少了一个酒圣~

可是你还是我们的朋友。。。 回来的时候记得 call 一 call 我们! Chee Xiong, 祝你在意大利做工一切顺利!
Name: Wong Chee Xiong
Age: 19
Gender: Gay
Address: Taman Medan
Gadgets: Suzuki RGV120, Salem Light, Dunhill Light
Hobby: Blow water
Interest: Kap Lui
Profession: Sushi King, HP laptop & Dekstop
Part time: Drunken master
Got girl friend or not: Please refer to the GENDER above
Where the hell is him now: Already jump plane to Itali work


Joanne Kat said...

what ddddd...
u help ur fren create image or what? lol

Eunice said...

wa!!! kua jiong le..
biodata tim..
when he went ti Itali de??

Ong De-Yang said...

3th of may lo....