Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fucking Accounting 2

I've changed my mind....

I don't wanna withdraw even until the very last minute...

So I used 4 days to master all the question in the final exam...

From 0%, which means I know nothing about that subject from lecture 1 to lecture 12 before that...

And I done it..... In 4 days..... 12 weeks work man....

I need to get at least 80/100 in my final exam to pass this subject because I get 0% for my assessment.

I am pretty sure that I can do well in my final. But 80/100 seems impossible.... Somemore is accounting... Not normal accounting but is degree 2nd year subject....


If I failed my exam because I don't know how to do it. Its ok... But this time... I know how to do!!! I will fail this subject with high carrying marks in my final, opps... just not high enough... DAMN PISS!!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ngek Ngek

虽然人会变, 但本性不变。

回到最初的地方, 从最初的地方看起, 就能看见事实。。。





无能的人才会耍手段, 玩演技,

因为只有在自己在演主角的当儿, 才不会感到自卑。。。

因为试过,明白了, 所以很久以前决定不演。。。。

P/S: 演艺圈是黑暗的, 只有导演才看的清
