Tuesday, October 27, 2009


"If you want something, you need to get it"

Well.... There are also a thing called opportunity cost where people decided to let go something in order to get another thing. Maybe it benefits or maybe it doesn't.

Things are simple, it is just about yes or no. But once a decision is made, it can't be changed. Therefore sometimes decision is hard to make although things seems to be simple.

There are limits, therefore some things just can't get perfect as one's wished. Hence, opportunity cost are applied.

It is all about decisions.... Maybe it will have regrets or disappointments from the pass, but it can't be helped.

People should keep going on as time goes by, because time won't reverse.

*saje record supaya I ingat apa yang berlaku*


sheaupey said...

haha, u got watch the hong kong drama绝代双娇? when learn this thing? but it's true !!

Ong De-Yang said...

huh?? din watch wor....