Saw that in Robin's blog... This thing seems damn shock... Heheh...
Name: OnG De-Yang
Sisters: Tak ada
Brothers: 2
Shoe size: 10 gua
Height : 178 cm
Where do you live: Old Klang Road, Jalan Klang Lama, 旧吧生路
Favourite drinks: Errrrrrr..
Favourite breakfast: Errrrrrrr..
Have you ever been on a plane?: Small Small that time got lar...
Swam in the ocean : I'm pangkor boy, you say leh?
Fallen asleep at school : Ngek Ngek
Broken someone’s heart: How I know? U ask them la~
Fell off your chair : Got gua....
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: 睡觉大过天。。。
Saved e-mails: WTF is this?
What is your room like : Kanasai..
What’s right beside you: Pillow??
What is the last thing you ate: Ice cream.. LOL
Ever had chicken pox: Yes, kindergarten
Sore throat: How can I dun hv that before??!
Stitches: 24CM at my left leg...
Broken nose: Nope
Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes gua...
Like picnics: YEAH!!!!
Who was the last person you danced with: Forgot the name lo.. (drunk liao) HAHAHA
Last made you smile: Myself
You last yelled at: My bro? Haha
Today did you talk to someone you like: I talk to everyone...
Kissed anyone: Wahahahaha...
Get sick: Small that time...
Talk to an ex: Yes
Miss someone: LOL!
Best feeling in the world: Realise that toilet no more tisu paper when I on the way pangsai...
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: NOUUUUUUUU
What’s under your bed: Highlighter, Ball pen, Paper, Tisu Paper, Nail cutter, Book and many more....
Who do you really hate: Dun wan to tell u.. hehehe
What time is it now: 0232am
Random: Is there a person who is on your mind now: Yes
Do you have any siblings: Yes
Do you want children: I love baby!
Do you smile often: Yes, friend always say me sohai... T.T
Do you like your hand-writing: My hand-writing is worst than a chicken...
Are your toe nails painted: Small Small that time..
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Old Old bed.. (most comfortable bed)
What color shirt are you wearing now: Where got wear shirt at night one?
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: Sleeping?
When did you cry last : Long Long Long Long time lu....
Are you a friendly person: How I know?? You ask me of course I say YES la! HAHAHA
Do you have any pets: Used to have a tortise but 1 zao lou liao, 1 more gua liao.. T.T
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: CHIN EE VEN!!!!!!
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: LOVE!
What do you think? : How cum this thing so long one???
Do you sleep with the TV on?: Yes, when watching the 如果爱 that show.. XP
What are you doing right now?: Writing this stupid thing...
Have you ever crawled through a window?: Kap lui that time...
Can you handle the truth?: Sure
Are you too forgiving?: Unfortunately yes..
Are you closer to your mother or father?: Mother
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: Forgot liao lu...
How many people can you say you’ve really loved?: Only CHIN EE VEN!!
Do you eat healthy?: WAHAHAHAHA
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: Plenty.. Because my ex is my gf now..
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: NO
If you’re having a bad day, who else you most likely to go to?: CHIN EE VEN!!
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: HAHAHAHA
Are you confident?: Over confidence
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
(i) Everyday kena whack by teacher
(ii) Everyday kena whack by teacher
(iii) Everyday kena whack by teacher
(iv) Everyday kena whack by teacher
(v) Everyday kena whack by teacher
5 things on my to-do list today:
(i) Finish my assignment
(ii) Finish my assignment
(iii) Finish my assignment
(iv) Finish my assignment
(v) Finish my assignment
5 snacks I enjoy:
(i) Tiger Beer
(ii) Carlsberg
(iii) Heineken
(iv) Black Lable
(v) Chivas
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
(i) Samy Vellu become my driver
(ii) Pool with full of cash
(iii) Golden toilet bowl
(iv) Diamond Bed
(v) Travel the whole world
5 of my bad habits:
(i) 睡觉大过天。。。
(ii) 睡觉大过天。。。
(iii) 睡觉大过天。。。
(iv) 睡觉大过天。。。
(v) 睡觉大过天。。。
5 of my good habits:
(i) 睡觉大过天。。。
(ii) 睡觉大过天。。。
(iii) 睡觉大过天。。。
(iv) 睡觉大过天。。。
(v) 睡觉大过天。。。